Italy: Rosario Privitera is the new area manager in Central and Southern Italy

Mac Frut 2018
May 11, 2018
TSI Sicily
Top Seeds Italy held tomato rootstock and grafting workshop
June 14, 2018
Mac Frut 2018
May 11, 2018
TSI Sicily
Top Seeds Italy held tomato rootstock and grafting workshop
June 14, 2018

“Seed is a passion, a formidable engine that leads you to new horizons, new varieties, different places, people and situations, and it gives emotions.”

Said Rosario Privitera , 57, Sicily, the new area manager for Central and Southern Italy for Top Seeds Italy who, in an interview, reveals the reasons for his decision to return to work in the seed sector. 

Entire article can be found on Fresh Plaza, here.